BeOS specifics

Drivers GFX_*/BeOS

BeOS Allegro supports the following card parameters for the set_gfx_mode() function:
See also: set_gfx_mode.
Drivers DIGI_*/BeOS

The BeOS sound functions support the following digital soundcards:
      DIGI_AUTODETECT      - let Allegro pick a digital sound driver
      DIGI_NONE            - no digital sound
      DIGI_BEOS            - BeOS digital output
See also: detect_digi_driver, install_sound, install_sound_input.
Drivers MIDI_*/BeOS

The BeOS sound functions support the following MIDI soundcards:
      MIDI_AUTODETECT      - let Allegro pick a MIDI sound driver
      MIDI_NONE            - no MIDI sound
      MIDI_BEOS            - BeOS MIDI output
      MIDI_DIGMID          - sample-based software wavetable player
See also: detect_midi_driver, install_sound, install_sound_input.

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